Village News & Updates
Village Seeking Bids for AC/Heating Units for Community House
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids are sought for the following according to specifications on file at the Village Clerk's Office located in the Community House at 16 Washington Street, St. Johnsville, NY 13452.
AC/Heating unit in the Village Office, as well as an AC/Heating unit in the upstairs of the Community House. The upstairs currently does not have an AC/Heating unit. Bidders will need to inspect the upstairs to see where a unit would be able to be installed.
The sealed bids shall be received by the Clerk-Treasurer of said Village in her office in the Community House, 16 Washington Street, St. Johnsville, NY until 2:00 pm on Monday, September 16, 2024, at which time they will be opened and recorded by the Clerk-Treasurer. Bids shall be awarded at the Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of said Village, to be held in the Community House on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 5:30 pm.
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids submitted.
By Order of the Board of Trustees of the Village of St. Johnsville, NY.
Dated: August 22, 2024
Jayna Cool
Village of St. Johnsville Downtown Survey
The Village is asking for the public's participation in a short, 6 question survey that will help us compete for a chance to receive over $2 million in grants. These grants would help us improve our community and invest in public projects that will benefit residents and visitors alike. Your answers will help us formulate and prioritize local projects that would enhance our historic community, and strengthen our NY Forward Grant Application. Please look to the flyer below for more information on this and follow the link to take this survey. We thank you for your participation and your help!
Village Wide Garage Sales & Trash Days
The Village Wide Garage Sales will be taking place from Thursday September 19th through Sunday September 22nd. If you would like to be added to the list that gets posted, please call the Village Office at 518-568-2221 or email us at The Village Trash Days will be taking place on Friday September 27th and Saturday September 28th. All items must be brought down to the DPW garage. There will be no curbside pickup. If you have any questions on what items will be accepted, please call the DPW at 518-568-2225. Thank you!
The New York State Public Service Commission Wants to Hear From You!
The Commission is seeking input and comments from your community regarding the Electric Utility Climate Vulnerability Study Plans submitted by New York State's major electric utilities. The Commission will hold a series of in-person public statement hearings throughout July and August. Please refer to the images below for more information, dates, and locations of these hearings. More information about these filings can be found at or by using the following link: 22-E-0222 Electric Utility Climate Vulnerability Studies and Plans.
The Village Is Now A Certified Pro-Housing Community!
Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for 2023
The Annual Drinking Water Quality Report for 2023 has now been completed. Paper copies are available at the Village Office and can be picked up any time during our regular hours. A digital copy of the report can be viewed and downloaded using the the link below. If you have any questions about the information included in the report, you can call Chief Water Operator and DPW Supervisor, William Vicciarelli at 518-568-2225.
Lead Service Line Replacement Program Worksheets
Many of you should be receiving your water bills by now and we wanted to remind you about the Lead Service Line worksheets. We still need responses from many owners so if you have not completed it yet, please include the following information with your water bill payments:
1. Basement condition (finished or unfinished)2. Connection location3. Issue accessing location (if so, please explain)4. Connection material (lead, copper, galvanized steel, other)
Please see the flyer below for more information. If you need help or would prefer our Village DPW determine the type and status of your water lines, please call them at 518-568-2221 to set up an appointment. Your response and cooperation are much appreciated, and we thank you for your help.